Mini Barre Benefits

Short on time?

Making time for a workout can be hard. Sometimes we only have 15 minutes to sweat before work, kids or life gets in the way. These under 30-minute classes are the perfect “equipment-free quickie” for when you’re traveling, vacationing, or just real busy.

Mini barre classes follow a progressive interval format in which exercises are stacked back-to-back before a rest to increase repetitions, and build endurance, and strength.

Mini barre, Big benefits.

  • All classes are Equipment-free

  • Target specific muscle groups

    • Core, upperbody, cardio, etc.

  • Builds endurance

  • Builds strength

I love that they are always there & there’s no excuse for not being able to squeeze in a minibarre class!
— Carly, barrealley customer

Wanna Try? Get your free mini barre class below

Kendra Alley