My First Wellness Fair

I was recently invited to a local Wellness Fair.  I, of course, accepted with loads of excitement.  Even though I am a virtual studio and my classes can be done anywhere- I want to bring more local awareness to my brand.  I have never attended a wellness fair as a vendor, so I wasn't sure what to do or what to bring.  In the end I decided.. to bring everything.

My main goal was to bring the workouts to life, chat with the employees and encourage them to give barreALLEY a try.  I wanted them to be able to see, touch and feel what barre can do for their bodies and lifestyles.  I brought a few pieces of equipment and water bottles with my logo (that could be used for hand weights). I brought my laptop to stream my workouts and allow people a better idea of what they'd be getting themselves into.  I offered a fun giveaway and by entering their email address they could win a free month's membership, and I made bookmarks with a coupon code they could slide into their binders and revisit when they sat back down at their desk.

I had a great response.  Lots of people knew of the other companies so my number one question was "Oh cool, I've hear of BARRE!  What is this place?  Where are you located?"  At this point, most people have heard of barre- but not everyone has tried it..  They were excited to know they could give it a shot in the comfort of their own home without anyone else seeing them.  I would absolutely do another event like this- I am proud to represent barreALLEY and can't wait to bring it into the homes of many many more babes in the future.


xx, Kendra


Kendra Alley