How To: Breathe

Breath work will change. your. day. This has become my favorite part of the morning. It’s crazy energizing. The HOW TO series will teach you important barre techniques and tips that you can use in all my classes.

What is it?

Breath work refers to any breathing exercise or technique. People often perform them to improve mental, physical, and spiritual well-being. During breath work, you intentionally change your breathing pattern. Many forms of breath work therapy involve breathing in a conscious and systematic way.”

Breath work is important for everyone, but especially for women who are postpartum. It sounds crazy but you may not be breathing correctly. Once you learn HOW, it will change your life. I focus on this a lot in barreBUMP’s fourth trimester series!

Try an app to help guide you.

The breathwrk app is my favorite. Each section is a different breathing pattern.

Start by laying down, then try while seated (on the ground or edge of a chair). Then try standing (this is hard!) if you need to sit/lay forever - do that. Standing isn’t the goal.

Diaphragmatic Breathing. This is the goal.


  1. Place one hand on your belly, and one on your heart.

  2. Soften belly

  3. As you inhale, you want your BELLY HAND to pull away from your spine

  4. As you exhale, pull your belly button towards your spine, and push all of the breath out.

  5. The inhale should also expand your rib cage as well (think about your lungs filling out all of the space in ribcage)

  6. As your exhale, you want to zipper your ribcage closed

    *Make sure your shoulders aren’t rising, and make sure your chest isn’t going up and down (we aren’t trying to hyperventilate)

Give it a try and see for yourself if you can tell the difference. If you want to try with me, get your 14-day free trial below!

Kendra Alley