Women's Hip Health

Hip pain can start at any age. Though it’s very common, if you experience any trouble moving your hip or legs, difficulty sleeping on your hip, or if you hear a clicking sound or feel a grinding sensation in your hip (crepitus) then keep reading!

We harbor stress, tension and anxiety in our hips, especially women. Stretching this area can be tense and frustrating but the number one way to improve hip joint health is exercise. Prioritizing daily exercise and stretching with proper form can help you maintain a healthy range of motion in your hips and therefore improve your hip health.


How can barreALLEY help?

Barre helps build strength in the glutes, which is essential for maintaining joint stability. When you build up more strength in your glutes you will have better pelvic stability. When your joints are more stable, you may experience less hip pain.
— balletbarresonline

Benefits of barre for hip health:

  • Builds strength in glutes

  • Improves posture and proper alignment

  • Increases flexibility via stretching

  • Increases Range of motion (internal and external rotation)

    helpful Tips, tricks and tools:

  • Manual Manipulation / Hip Release

  • monthly Massage

  • try the Graston Method

  • use a TheraGun daily

  • invest in a quality Mattress

  • place a Pillow between legs while sleeping

  • consider visiting a Chiropractor

Yoga Length by barreALLEY

I recommend trying our Yoga Length classes specifically to relieve hip pain and prioritize alignment. These classes will provide a relaxing fluidity from move to move allowing the release of tension. You'll experience various yoga sequences focused on the opening the hips, quads, and hamstrings, chest, shoulders, and back. These classes are a great compliment to any workout and are perfect for someone looking to gain more flexibility, balance, and mobility in their body.


Try a FREE Yoga Length class below

Kendra Alley