All About Your Abductor

What are your adductor muscles?

Your abductor and adductor muscles are in your hips and thighs, working in sync to enable you to move your legs sideways. Your abductor muscles are responsible for moving your leg away from your body's midline, while the adductors are responsible for moving the leg back towards your body's midline.

The hip abductors are known to stabilize the trunk and hip during ambulation, control limb alignment, and transfer forces from the lower extremities to the pelvis.

What’s the problem?

Hip abductor weakness is a major culprit in an unstable hip when you walk, run or jump and can lead to hip and low back pain. It’s also known to contribute to problems like shin splints, and foot hyperpronation (flat feet).

The most important treatment for hip abductor weakness is strength training. Hip strengthening is directly linked to symptom improvement and a much less likelihood of future injuries.

How can we help?

Try our FREE abductor focused class below. This mini barre is 14 min of INTENSE abductor work that will strengthen your hips, light up your core, and build those glutes!

Kendra Alley