My Weekly Grocery List

my groceries

You guys always want to see what I’m eating.. so here’s my most recent grocery list! I usually shop at Wegmans and I get these as my staple rotation of essentials. I pick up groceries twice a week because it’s too stressful to try and remember everything we need in one swing. It has changed my life.

healthy snacks

I use a fridge/pantry snack system for the boys. They have “fridge snacks” and “pantry snacks”. They can have a pantry snack only after a fridge one. For example, if they want chips, they have to have an apple first. I made a list below of suggestions you can use for your kids or just as a guide to healthy snacks for yourself:)

I also have some easy kid-friendly recipes up on my Pinterest here

AND sign up for my weekly newsletter here to get all of my go-to recipes (smoothies, quick dinners, travel snacks, desserts and more!)

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